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25 Keto Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

2020-06-02T14:21:04-04:00By |Desserts, Dinner, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Lunch, Paleo, Recipes, Roundups|

Get Started on Those Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas! Thanksgiving is just around the corner and is widely considered a sensitive time in one's diet. The entire day is spent with family and friends around a giant turkey enjoying mounds of delicious comfort foods and yummy desserts. It's a day of giving thanks for what you have, appreciating both your company [...]

Keto Chocolate Chip Blondies – Low Carb Dessert Recipe

2020-10-19T19:54:44-04:00By |Desserts, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Recipes, Vegetarian|

Dense, Gooey & Totally Low Carb! The perfect counterpart to our Low Carb Skillet Brownies recipe has got to be these Sugar-free & Keto Chocolate Chip Blondies we've created! Imagine for a second you've got both a dense, gooey dessert that's also sugar-free, gluten-free & keto-friendly. Scattered within, chunks of chocolate that are also sugar-free plus crunchy [...]

30 Low Carb Christmas Recipes

2020-06-12T13:13:16-04:00By |Appetizers, Desserts, Dinner, Low Carb / Keto, Lunch, Paleo, Recipes, Roundups, Salads, Sides|

Make Christmas More Delicious Than Ever! The holidays are here! Unlike Thanksgiving, you get much more flexibility in terms of dinner. Tired of turkey? We are too, that's why we're exploring our options this year! Check out our top contenders for this year's feast. We gathered the greatest holiday recipes from around the blogosphere that [...] Survey Indicates Diet Preferences May Garner More Dates

2018-05-28T16:04:02-04:00By |News|

Are you single? As it turns out, your diet could be having a significant impact on your dating life. Contrary to what you might assume, having dietary restrictions may not be the hindrance to dating that it was once thought to be. Several studies of singles in the online dating scene show the relationship between [...]

Dessert in Five Teaser & GIVEAWAY!

2020-04-20T15:07:04-04:00By |Blog|

Ultra Easy, Ultra Low Carb! As many of you know, we've been hard at work on the 4th and final installation of our Keto in Five ecookbooks. Short history: our journey started with Dinner in Five, our first ever ecookbook and our baby. We worked tirelessly on those 30 dinner recipes and after rave reviews [...]

Benefits of Eating Bone Marrow

2016-08-26T21:49:19-04:00By |Guides and FAQs|

What is Bone Marrow? Bone marrow is considered a delicacy in many cultures and is gaining popularity in the keto and paleo community because of the wealth of nutrients (and the taste!) that can be found within it. In fact, when animals prey upon each other, they have been seen to go directly for the [...]

Egg Carton Labels Guide

2017-04-19T10:40:35-04:00By |Guides and FAQs|

Incredible Edible Egg! Eggs are one of the most versatile foods on Earth! Fried, poached, boiled, emulsified, beaten, whipped, baked, separated, souffled or eaten raw- eggs are a must! They're full of fat and protein, with very little carbs, which makes them perfect for anyone on a ketogenic diet. The average large egg contains 5g [...]