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Gluten-Free Diet

2015-08-11T21:08:04-04:00By |

What is a Gluten-Free diet? A gluten-free diet excludes gluten, a protein composite found in wheat, barley, rye and other grains and has become one of the fastest growing dietary choices in the world. Most foods consumed on a gluten-free diet can promote healthy weight loss, with the right combinations of other foods and a [...]

25 Keto Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

2020-06-02T14:21:04-04:00By |Desserts, Dinner, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Lunch, Paleo, Recipes, Roundups|

Get Started on Those Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas! Thanksgiving is just around the corner and is widely considered a sensitive time in one's diet. The entire day is spent with family and friends around a giant turkey enjoying mounds of delicious comfort foods and yummy desserts. It's a day of giving thanks for what you have, appreciating both your company [...]

Sugar-free & Keto Salted Caramel Panna Cotta – Dessert Recipe

2020-10-01T12:47:37-04:00By |Desserts, Gluten-Free, Italian, Low Carb / Keto, Recipes, Vegetarian|

Sugar-free Sweetness! We're lucky, us low carbers. There are a ton of mouth-watering, cream-based desserts from around the world just waiting to be keto-fied. Take the French creme brulee and substitute all the sugar for erythritol and you've got a low carb, high-fat dessert to end all desserts. The erythritol even caramelizes in the broiler! [...] Survey Indicates Diet Preferences May Garner More Dates

2018-05-28T16:04:02-04:00By |News|

Are you single? As it turns out, your diet could be having a significant impact on your dating life. Contrary to what you might assume, having dietary restrictions may not be the hindrance to dating that it was once thought to be. Several studies of singles in the online dating scene show the relationship between [...]

How to Start a Food Blog

2016-11-02T07:17:51-04:00By |Blog, Resources|

So you want to know how to start a food blog? Do you love to cook and eat delicious food? Do you enjoy photography or want to learn? Do you want the freedom to work on what you love from anywhere in the world? Then a food blog is perfect for you! This easy guide [...]