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Four Down, Nine to Go!

2018-12-13T11:37:53-05:00By |GoingKeto|

It’s been a month! Time to check in on my progress. The Weight Loss Net weight loss is at 12 pounds, which means I’m averaging a loss of 3 pounds per week. This is a healthy, sustainable rate and means I’m on track to hit my weight loss goals. My body fat percentage has decreased [...]

Doctor Recommends Keto Diet for Endurance Training

2018-08-16T20:51:08-04:00By |News|

Endurance Sports: Stronger for Longer Endurance sports like biking and running provide milestones and goals while promoting long-term exercise regimens. Additionally, with cities holding endurance races each year, enthusiasts have ample opportunities to test themselves. That these events often promote charities doesn’t hurt either. The pitfall to these activities is that a person can be [...]

Why Sleep is Crucial for Weight Loss

2018-12-12T22:52:08-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Arguably the single most overlooked factor in your health is sleep. The CDC reports that more than one-third of American adults are chronically sleep-deprived1, and that number increases to nearly half when Americans were asked if poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities over the past week2. Few people realize how far-reaching the consequences [...]

New England Journal of Medicine Investigates Low-Carb Diets

2018-05-28T16:04:51-04:00By |News|

In a review of recent research published by The New England Journal of Medicine1 a diet high in fat and reduced carbohydrates was shown to increase weight loss faster than traditional diets. Participants of this study maintained their weight loss equally in the long term as compared to their study cohorts. Since losing weight and maintaining [...]

Six Down, Seven to Go

2018-12-27T10:55:07-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Six weeks down, seven to go! We’ll count this as my halfway-point update, so I’ve included quite a bit of detail here. TLDR: keto is fantastic and working phenomenally well. The Weight Loss I’ve lost a total of 18.6 pounds, continuing to average a net loss of 3 pounds per week. This is delving into [...]

California Chicken Omelette Keto Recipe

2020-10-07T20:36:54-04:00By |American, Breakfast, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Paleo, Quick Bites, Recipes|

Lunch for Breakfast? We're taking the classic California Chicken Sandwich flavors and throwing them into an omelette! You can really take any sandwich ingredients and throw them in an omelette... unless you're craving peanut butter and jelly, in which case maybe use some Oopsie Rolls instead. We decided to skip our quick breakfast and make [...]