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Australia Fails in Fight Against the Food Industry

2018-05-28T15:52:45-04:00By |News|

As countries around the world adopt a host of new taxes and regulations that specifically target sugar in an effort to cut down on obesity, Australia is heading further and further into its own ever-expanding obesity crisis. The biggest reason for this, experts assert, is the government’s failure to effectively combat food industry lobbying practices. [...]

How One Teen Treated Her Acne by Going Low-Carb

2018-05-28T15:58:20-04:00By |News|

If you remember spending your high school years fighting acne, you're not alone. An estimated 85 percent of teenagers suffer from acne, according to a report by UC Davis School of Medicine.1 However, some teens find themselves suffering from a more severe type of acne that can be resistant to over-the-counter and prescription medications alike [...]

Transitioning Onto Keto

2018-11-20T13:45:56-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Going keto is a pretty significant adjustment for most people, and it can be downright drastic for some. Giving yourself an honest evaluation is the best way to manage your expectations: how does your current diet compare to a low-carb, high-fat regimen? If they’re relatively similar, you’ll experience an easier transition; if you’re all about [...]

Debunking Beef’s Bad Rap and the Role of Animal Fat

2018-08-24T11:50:01-04:00By |News|

In recent years, animal fat has suffered a significant image crisis in large part due to its perceived connection with a number of diseases ranging from cardiovascular issues to cancer. Because beef, in particular, is thought to have a large fat content, beef has particularly suffered the effects of this stigma. Advocates of a ketogenic [...]

New Zealand Caves to its Sugar Crisis

2018-05-28T16:00:00-04:00By |News|

The government of New Zealand has recognized a problem: obesity, caused by sugar. Health Minister Dr. David Clark has said that obesity rates and diabetes are a “serious issue,” and that he expects the food industry in New Zealand to respond to the crisis. To clarify “serious”: New Zealand has the third highest rate of [...]

EPIC Keto Krate Haul!

2020-02-13T17:03:04-05:00By |Product Review, Recipes, Snacks|

Keto Snacks DELIVERED! We've been long time subscribers of Keto Krate - we believe in making keto easy, which is why having keto snacks delivered right to your door is a no-brainer for us! We're avid snackers. We know people say it's bad to snack, but we just don't agree with that. Everything in moderation, [...]

One Down, Twelve to Go!

2019-02-11T14:52:55-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Well, one week down and twelve to go: it’s time for an update on GoingKeto! The Weight Loss I stayed on track with my macros and saw daily progress, losing just shy of 6 lbs this week. That’s mostly water weight, of course: each gram of glycogen stored in your body retains 3-4 grams of [...]

Scratching the Itch on the Keto Rash

2018-05-28T16:06:41-04:00By |News|

Entering ketosis has some amazing side effects on the body, like increased energy, a reduction in inflammation, and sharp mental clarity. It does, for some, come with a few downsides as well. If you’ve recently entered ketosis and find yourself itching like crazy, you could have what’s referred to as a keto rash. Prurigo Pigmentosa [...]

Our Photography Equipment

2016-11-02T15:22:55-04:00By |Blog, Photography|

Starting Tasteaholics We started Tasteaholics in February of 2015 with a simple point-and-shoot! We didn’t know how to style and photograph food, set up a shot with lighting or how to use props. What we did know was that it would take a bit of practice, research and persistence! For photography tips and [...]

India Courts Coke, Pepsi, and Hershey Despite Obesity Epidemic

2018-05-28T15:56:18-04:00By |News|

In many countries currently muddling their way through oppressive rates of obesity, political figures are obligated to make commanding statements (sometimes with equally commanding hand gestures) about their commitment to the wellbeing of the population. After they make these statements, they may or may not trot out the CEO of a company like PepsiCo or [...]

Blog Squared

2021-03-14T15:14:16-04:00By |

Blog Squared - Meta Analysis of Welcome to the self-analysis section of! This is where we track our progress with the blog - this includes traffic, financial, marketing, experimentation and a bunch of other data and information. We also share information about how to start your own blog, our equipment and more! We [...]