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New Waukesha Restaurant Caters to Low-Carb Pizza Lover’s Palates

2018-05-28T15:57:01-04:00By |News|

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. Whether you're an aficionado of mushroom and meat lover's supreme pies, you can't get enough veggies, or you're content with just plain cheese, everyone loves to grab a slice. Unfortunately, dieters following the low-carb regiment of the keto diet to lose weight have usually [...]

4 Reasons Why You’re Still Hungry on Keto

2018-05-28T15:48:39-04:00By |News|

For most people who start the ketogenic diet, they feel like they've finally started on a diet they can sustain. After a few weeks, most ketogenic dieters find that cravings are gone, the weight is melting off, and they've finally conquered their mental obsession with food. With so many reports that make it seem like [...]

Long-Term Study Investigates Keto’s Weight Loss Potential

2018-05-28T15:47:33-04:00By |News|

According to a recent study conducted by a team of Spanish doctors and other researchers, the keto diet may hold the key to sustained weight loss. The research team began their trials in 2014 and have reinitiated it every two years. Their most recent work focused on obesity and the diet's effect on a person's [...]

Canadian Candy Creator Captivates Carb Conscious Consumers

2018-05-28T15:52:32-04:00By |News|

For low-carb dieters in Canada, satisfying a sweet tooth is a little bit simpler. New low-carb confectionary company SmartSweets has hit the ground running, gunning for the top candy companies through CEO Tara Bosch's unique blend of passion and innovation. After noticing a distinct lack of Canadian-made options for low-sugar sweets, Bosch cut the candy's carbs [...]

Studies Show Keto with No Exercise Beats Standard Diet and Exercise

2018-08-16T20:52:25-04:00By |News|

One of the most common misconceptions regarding health and wellness is that exercise completely cancels out the bad food we consume. A recent study, ‘Induced and Controlled Dietary Ketosis as a Regulator of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome Pathologies,’ due to be published in the journal, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, brings the [...]

Know Brainer Foods Launches Keto-Friendly Coffee Creamers

2018-05-28T15:56:53-04:00By |News|

The average coffee creamer is 60 percent carbs, which isn't great if you want only 5 percent of your calorie intake to come from carbohydrates.  Traditionally, those on the ketogenic diet avoid coffee creamers entirely, but many people prefer their coffee creamy and would rather find keto-friendly creamer options to make the most out of [...]

Doctor Says Anti-Ketogenic Study Was Never Really Keto

2018-09-26T11:18:54-04:00By |News|

By now, advocates of the ketogenic diet, as well as those interested in keto, have likely heard about the controversial anti-ketogenic study published in Lancet Public Health Journal1, which stated that the keto diet shaves years off people’s lives. It’s no surprise that people are extremely confused about the conflicting opinions within the medical community. [...]

Running Study May Be In Error After Failing To Measure Key Statistic

2018-06-09T13:43:51-04:00By |News|

As the keto-craze continues, chances are you’ve heard one of your friends talk about their ventures into running on keto. Thanks to studies that have shown the ketogenic diet effectiveness at achieving weight loss, it’s become a hot commodity for athletes1, as well. A lot of runners aren’t sure whether it’s for them though, and [...]

Ketogenic Diet as Fuel for Endurance Training

2018-05-28T16:08:33-04:00By |News|

What if stockpiling carbohydrates wasn’t the best answer to fueling your body? What if you could find a fuel that didn’t deplete so rapidly and therefore allowed you to push your body longer and harder than you ever thought possible? The Ketogenic Diet is the answer to this equation. Why Consider the Ketogenic Diet? Most [...]

University of Connecticut Study Shows Link To Partner Weight Loss

2018-05-28T16:03:41-04:00By |News|

As the saying goes, “teamwork makes the dream work”. When it comes to diet and weight loss, joining forces with a partner has a dramatic effect on our ability to stay committed. However, a University of Connecticut study shows that even if they don’t both commit together, having a partner that loses weight can impact [...]

Can Essential Oils Really Help You Lose Weight?

2018-06-06T09:46:48-04:00By |News|

In an era plagued with concerns over GMOs, unnatural chemicals being used to create everything from children's toys to dog beds, and non-science based fears over vaccines potentially harming health and causing longstanding mental illnesses, the world of holistic healing rose from the ashes by offering "natural alternatives" to common illnesses. One of the biggest [...]