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Healthy Snacking

2019-01-15T10:33:22-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Snacking can make or break a diet. Because the portions seem so small, we deceive ourselves into thinking we’re consuming less than we actually are. There’s nothing wrong with snacking, but it needs to be planned, controlled, and consistent. Planning your snacks Snacking should never be a spur of the moment kind of thing, simply [...]

Weight Training Versus Cardio

2018-12-25T23:38:02-05:00By |GoingKeto|

The truth about fitness The fitness and weight-loss industries are plagued with myths, so let’s lay a solid foundation before we get into the nitty-gritty of the types of exercise you should choose. Arguably the single most important reality to understand about fitness is that it truly is a marathon, not a sprint. The maximum [...]

Top 5 Common Keto Myths Disproved

2018-05-28T16:08:25-04:00By |News|

The ketogenic diet is nothing new.  It’s a low-carb diet that has been around for quite a while with countless studies to back it up.  The research behind it and years of support strengthen the power of this diet. The whole idea is to lower your carbohydrate intake in order to burn fat and improve [...]

Digestive Enzymes and the Transition to Keto

2018-05-28T16:02:21-04:00By |News|

If you’re like the average American, you grew up eating a high-glucose diet. You ate bagels, pizza, cereal, spaghetti, and your body became accustomed to a constant influx of various sugars. When you completely change your diet, it means your body needs to change its response to the foods you eat.1 Don’t be surprised if [...]

A Ketogenic Pregnancy: Is It Safe?

2018-05-28T15:48:09-04:00By |News|

When you become pregnant, your body's needs change. Your hormones go haywire, your uterus expands, you experience changes in your breasts, and your heart pumps more blood. During all these changes, it is important that the mother take the best possible care of herself. A healthy, well-balanced diet is one of the most important routes [...]

Dieting Plateaus: How to Avoid & Overcome Them

2019-01-29T09:39:34-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Dieting plateaus—we all experience them. While it isn’t fun to watch the number on the scale stop moving, this is a normal part of life, so don’t get discouraged. The most important thing is understanding what’s happening and, if possible, how to address it. Common causes There are the top seven reasons why your weight [...]

Five Down, Eight to Go!

2018-12-20T11:55:01-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Time flies when you’re having fun! Let’s see how I’m doing. The Weight Loss Net weight loss is at 15 pounds, so I’m staying on track. I dropped below 200 pounds this week, which is probably the first time in a decade I’ve seen a “1” as the first number on the scale. That’s a [...]

Studies Show Ketogenic Diet Enhances Male Fertility

2018-05-28T16:00:26-04:00By |News|

Numerous studies conclude that healthy fats and nutrients of the ketogenic diet are excellent for male fertility. Men with diets high in fresh vegetables, legumes, nuts, and fish have a higher sperm count, better sperm shape, and more active sperm than men who follow the typical western diet. The Importance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids [...]

World Record-Holder Reveals Key To Performance Success

2018-05-28T15:49:18-04:00By |News|

101.77 miles. That’s the world record that Zach Bitter holds for longest distance run in 12 hours. In 2011, Zach changed his diet from a typical high-carbohydrate diet to the ketogenic diet. In December 2013, he set the world record, and he attributes part of his success to the ketogenic diet. How keto fueled Zach’s [...]

The Ketogenic Diet and ADHD

2018-05-28T16:00:39-04:00By |News|

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition affecting more than 3 million Americans. It typically begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. It can contribute to difficulties at school or work, low self-esteem, and relationship issues. Symptoms of ADHD include hyperactivity, limited attention, excitability, aggression, fidgeting, impulsivity, irritability, forgetfulness, and absent-mindedness. It can cause [...]

Thirteen Down–I Made It!

2019-02-14T23:43:53-05:00By |GoingKeto|

Wow. I made it. The Weight Loss I finished out the challenge with a net weight loss a few ounces shy of 25 pounds, although all but three pounds of that happened in the first eight weeks. I lost exactly 5% body fat. I’m very pleased with both of those numbers. (I’ve included first day/last [...]