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Low Carb Italian Food

2017-10-15T12:13:04-04:00By |

Low Carb Italian Food Ciao! We've always been big fans of Italian food (who doesn't love pasta?) so one of our missions was to make low carb Italian food that looks and tastes like the real thing. Using various foods like Shirataki Noodles and zoodles, we've been able to recreate some of the most popular [...]

Perfect Keto Nut Butter is, Well, Perfect for Keto

2018-05-28T15:51:47-04:00By |News|

When it comes to nut butters, unwanted ingredients often slip inside. Nut butters can be loaded with added sugars, corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, excessive sodium, and artificial colors and flavors. When you’re on a ketogenic diet, you check labels to ensure that what goes into your body is healthy. The Ketogenic food company Perfect Keto just [...]

Ketosis And How It Works

2018-08-16T20:53:07-04:00By |News|

Very few people have not heard of low-carb diets in general. What most people don't know is how low-carb diets actually work or what ketosis really is; there are many diets which are fads or promise some kind of quick fix to a weight loss problem, but upon deeper inspection, their foundation is not only [...]

Research Shows Keto May Fight Alzheimer’s

2018-05-28T16:08:12-04:00By |News|

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a type of dementia, a chronic neurodegenerative disease.  It’s characterized by loss of memory and declining cognition.  People with AD typically have problems remembering things and speaking.  They may also suffer from mood swings and behavioral changes.1  AD affects individuals over the age of 65, on average.  On the molecular level, AD [...]