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What’s the Difference Between Brown and White Fat?

2018-05-28T16:08:37-04:00By |News|

This question would be an easy one for my professional bodybuilder friends. What’s the difference between brown and white fat? Well, the difference would be tanning. Brown fat always appears better to the judges than white fat. Of course, my bodybuilding friends are all smart alecks. There are two types of fat in your body. [...]

Keto Matcha Latte – Low Carb Latte Recipe

2020-09-16T20:25:01-04:00By |Asian, Breakfast, Drinks, Japanese, Low Carb / Keto, Paleo, Quick Bites, Recipes, Vegetarian|

Calm (and caffeinate) yourself! This may seem oxymoronic, but you can achieve calm, focused alertness by means of energy-boosting matcha green tea powder. Buddhist monks drank matcha to aid in meditation as well as to remain alert and focused. The energy matcha powder gives you in a steady stream of sustained focus, instead of a loud [...]

Keto Cake Batter Cookies – Low Carb Cake Mix Recipe

2020-10-07T13:08:14-04:00By |Desserts, Gluten-Free, Low Carb / Keto, Recipes, Vegetarian|

Keto Cake Batter Cookies? Happy Birthday To Us! With both our birthdays coming up (we're December babies, 6th and 16th) we decided it's time to experiment with cake batter flavored desserts! After our Blueberry Lemon Shortbread Cookies became so popular, we tweaked the recipe a few times to get these delicious cake batter cookies. We even [...]

Starbucks Now Offers a Keto-Approved White Drink

2018-09-07T10:36:54-04:00By |News|

Bye-bye boring black coffee! Starbucks lovers who have made the decision to go low-carb are rejoicing as “secret menu” enthusiasts reveal a keto-approved hack that allows fans of the international chain to get their fix…without wasting carbs! Read on to learn more about the fruity treat that brings the flavor without the carbohydrates—the Peach Citrus [...]

Keto Dessert Recipes | Low Carb Dessert Ideas

2020-09-19T16:07:42-04:00By |

Low Carb Desserts Who says low carb means no sweets? Even with prohibitions against sugar, grains and processed foods, the good news is it is possible to satisfy a craving for dessert while being low carb! We find ways to add a little sweetness into our lives every day! In fact, our low carb [...]

I Tried Reddit’s Keto-Friendly Shamrock Shake

2018-05-28T16:02:17-04:00By |News|

I'll be the first to admit it-- I'm addicted to McDonald's. I love their seasonal promotional items, and I wait almost all year for McRibs and eggnog pies to reappear on the menu. One of McDonald's most well-known seasonal items is the Shamrock Shake, a mint green sweet treat that comes around every March. While [...]

Keto Almond Joy Fat Bombs Recipe

2022-04-22T10:24:34-04:00By |Desserts, Low Carb / Keto, Recipes, Vegetarian|

A Little Almond Joy in your Day! Almond Joys might have been named after the feeling of joy you got when you bit into one. They're sweet, covered in chocolate with sticky and chewy coconut in the center. You also get that addictive crunch from the almond nestled between the layers. It really is such [...]